Beyond my consulting on a commercial basis, I am happy to provide help to the community when I can afford it.
I am currently doing this in the form of:
- advising start-up founders at Carbon13,
- mentoring people engaging in sustainability-oriented career refocusing via GaïaConnect,
- supporting the local community energy production scheme of Énergies Partagées en Alsace,
- maintaining a list of open resources within climate,
- supporting the development of a carbon data standard for power systems via LF Energy,
- donating a fraction of my earnings to charities (Médecins sans Frontières, Unicef, Against Malaria Foundation, …)
Do you need help on your project?
If you have a project tackling climate or other sustainability topics but do not have the financial means to hire an expert to support you, you might want to apply for the pro-bono support that I occasionally provide.